Kathryn Cohen

Fit Bit


Fit Bit© Billboard, Magazine Ad. & Commercial

Fit Bit© is a company known for its activity trackers and wearable technology that measure number of steps walked, heart rate, quality of sleep, and more, in the hopes of creating better health.

The ad, billboard, and commercial concept were created to draw in the attention of the public and persuade them to live a healthier lifestyle with the Fit Bit© and to take advantage of every opportunity to take more steps. This project was completed as a group project in Advertising Design. As a group, we came up with advertising Fit Bit© in a way that encouraged activity that the everyday, busy person could achieve. 

Ad body copy: They moved the meeting to the top floor. It’s your lucky day. Thanks to Fit Bit’s Technology, you can track everyday steps, even the ones you don’t expect. That’s why each step is worth celebrating!